Twitter user explains what he did after attending a church and Pastor announced his wife needed a car

A twitter user has narrated how he quietly walked out of a church when the pastor took the microphone and said his wife’s car was bad and the church members need to contribute to get her another car. He said part of the church murmured and when he asked his friend who had invited him why? He said it’s because Papa (the pastor) has three cars.

He said, he then stood up and quietly walked away.

Lol, what planet at these churches? Never attended one before o, loooooooool. Buy mama a car?
Why? What happened to Mama's legs? Did Jesus use a car in His ministry? Even if I want to, let it be my own will, we will see you need one, not a demand, lol.

When queried further, the twitter user said, if they make him upset, he will return to the church and demand the pastor give his wife one of his cars.

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